PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Ismail, Nurul Iman Wan () The role of mesolimbic system and lateral habenular molecular targets (CB₁, GluA₁ and NK₁ receptors) in mitragyna speciosa korth (ketum) addiction in the mitragynine-sensitised swiss albino mice. PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia Sep 27, · Natural fibre as a reinforcing agent has been widely used in many industries in this era. However, the reinforcing agent devotes a better strength when embedded with a polymer matrix. Nevertheless, the characteristic of natural fibre and polymer matrix are in contrast, as natural fibre is hydrophilic, while polymer is hydrophobic in nature. Natural fibre is highly hydrophilic due to the Dr. -Ing. Brij Mohan Mundotiya Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Materials Engineering), M.E.(Materials Eng.), blogger.com(Metallurgical & Materials Eng.) Research Interests: Thin films, Synthesis and characterization of Ultrafine and Nanostructured materials, Nanostructured thin films, Nanostructured CoatingsView Profile --View Google Scholar Profile
Prof. Sabu Thomas – Vice-Chancellor, MGU
Meet the minds who are raising our educational standards by the minute. Whether you are on the lookout for academic guidance or would like to get acquainted with the faculty of a certain department, we have made your search easy! Preetha Nair HOD Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology.
Volume phd thesis on polyaniline, 1 : ; 3. Aradhana Singh and Preetha Nair. Phytochemical Profile and Total Phenolic Content of Processed Solanum nigrum Linn Ripe Berry Extract. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics January-March Supplement ; 5. Vishnupriya K, Preetha Nair Mitochondrial Biogenesis in liver cells due to stress International Research journal of Engineering and Technology March Vol8 3 : ; 6.
Meenambigai J and Preetha Nair Production of Lactic acid and polymerization into poly lactic acid International Research journal of Engineering and Technology March Vol8 3 : ; 7. DeepikaArya,VidyaPatniPreeta Nair and Radha D. NavyaLaxman, Preetha Nair and Radha Kale Effects of Soil Amendments With Vermicompost On Growth Of VetiveriaZizanioides In Gold Mine Tailings International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry ; SindhuSyama Nair, NithyakalaChanderaMadembil, Preetha Nair, Saraswathi Raman, phd thesis on polyaniline, SomashekharaiahBeeranahalliVeerabadrappa Comparative analysis of the phd thesis on polyaniline activity of some phytolectins International Current Pharmaceutical Journal2 2 : Shabna, Radha D.
Kale, Preetha Nair. The potential bioconversion of paper waste into bioplastics and biofuel Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and BioengineeringVolume 1, Issue 3 Vidya J and Nair P Earthworm muscle cells as models to study anthelminitic properties of plant extracts. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Vol.
Preetha Phd thesis on polyaniline, NavyaLaxman, phd thesis on polyaniline, SwayamPrabha, MythiliJagannath, Radha D. Nandhitha Madhusudhan ; Preetha Nair ; Kale, R. Isolation and culture of coelomocytes Dynamic Soil, Dynamic Plant ;3 Special Issue 2 : Preetha NYiming WHelmes M, Norio F, Siegfried L, GranzierH. Muscle cell Res.
And Motility ;26 Fukuda NWu YNair PGranzier HL. Phosphorylation of titin modulates passive stiffness of cardiac muscle in a titin isoform-dependent manner J Gen Physiol Mar; 3 Nair RR. Nair P. Watanabe KNair Pphd thesis on polyaniline, Labeit D, Kellermayer MS, Greaser MLabeit SGranzierH.
Nair RRNair P Age-dependent variation in contractility of adult cardiac myocytes Int. and cell Biol. NairP, Nair RR. Alteration in Cardiomyocytes mechanics by Sub optimal levels of extracellular Magnesium, phd thesis on polyaniline. Biol trace element Res. Phd thesis on polyaniline, NairRR.
Selective Use of Calcium Chelators enhances the Yield of Calcium tolerant myocytes from adult heart. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology ; Nair PPadayatti PSAbraham A, Sudha BRaghu KGPaulose CS Glutamate Dehydrogenase induction in the Brain of Phd thesis on polyaniline Diabetic Rats. Nivedita Patil Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology. Regional 19 th — 20 th December 2. Research Methodology and Statistics — FDP Mount Carmel College, Autonomous Institutional 16 th — 22 nd March 3.
Frontiers in smart learning DBT Star Scheme Colleges National 14 th — 16 th May 4. Descriptive Statistics Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous National 14 th May 5. Inner Engineering for Progress Mount Carmel College, Autonomous National 6 th June 6. Effective Teaching using ICT Tools and E-resources Mount Carmel College, Autonomous State 9 th June — 12 th June 7. Artificial Intelligence in Business Ecosystem St. Thejaswi Bhandary Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology.
PG Diploma PGD in Cellular and Molecular Diagnostics Manipal University PG MSc General Microbiology Mysore University UG BSc in Chemistry, Microbiology, phd thesis on polyaniline Zoology St Aloysius college. AutonomousMangalore Book Chapter Bhandary, Thejaswi, et al.
Close Ms. Sandhya K S Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology. Telphy Kuriakose Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology. Telphy Kuriakose Webinar Participant Human Trafficking and Covid19 4 th June The American College and IJM National of Botany, Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru.
National Telphy Kuriakose FEP Participant Frontiers in Smart learnig 14 th th May DBT STAR Scheme College, Bengaluru Cluster National of Biochemistry, Mount Carmel College, phd thesis on polyaniline, Bengaluru National Telphy Kuriakose Webinar series Participant Advances in Biochemistry and its Application 25 th th May Dept. Sindhu Anoop Associate Professor Department of Biotechnology.
Guide: Dr. Bopaiah PhD Biotechnology Manipal University. European Journal of Scientific Research 71 44. Investigation of Inhibitory Activity of Selected Plant Extracts on Tyrosinase Extracted from Solanum tuberosum. Adv Bio Tech 12 7 : 5. Comparative analysis of the antibacterial activity of some phytolectins International Current Pharmaceutical Journal 2 2 : 6.
In vitro studies on alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase inhibitory activities of selected plant extracts European Journal of Experimental Biology 3 1 7. Evaluation of In Vitro Anti diabetic Activity of Selected Plant Extracts International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention 2 4 : 8.
In vitro bioactivity screening of methanolic extracts of Artocarpus heterophyllus, Artocarpus altilis, and Piper betle European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience 5 19. Biosynthesis and characterization of Silver Nanoparticles using Trigonella foenum-graecum leaf extract Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Volume-VII, Special Issue In Vitro screening of larvicidal and insecticidal activity of methanolic extracts of Artocarpus heterophyllus, Artocarpus altilis, and Piper betle International Journal of Environment, Agriculture, and Biotechnology 2 1 The extracts of Piper betel and Cinnamomum zeylanicum exhibited lower antityrosinase activity than L-ascorbic acid, which is a potent tyrosinase inhibitor commonly used in skin-whitening cosmetic products.
In conclusion, further biological ex vivo investigations on human melanocytes should be done for confirming the tyrosinase inhibitory activity of these plants. The isolated methanolic extracts of Piper betel and Cinnamomum zeylanicum can serve as therapeutic or cosmetic agents can be used as potential sources of novel tyrosinase inhibitors for treating a variety of skin-related disorders. The antidiabetic properties of plants can be evaluated in vitro by several methods such as study of glucose uptake, effect on glycosylation of the haemoglobin and inhibition of alpha glucosidase and alpha amylase enzymes.
The mechanism of glucose transport across the yeast cell membrane has been gaining significant importance as an in vitro screening method for evaluating the hypoglycaemic effects of various medicinal plants.
The above conducted in vitro studies depict an appreciable increase in the glucose uptake by the yeast cells in combination with the plant extracts. PRINT Close Ms. Roopa L Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Model for Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors using Support Vector Machine Learning. A Phd thesis on polyaniline model shall be built for tyrosine kinase inhibitors that will be able to capture the representative features of the dataset during training and that can then be used to predict the activity of other molecules.
The model may also exhibit better predictive ability for a newly designed compound PRINT Close Dr, phd thesis on polyaniline. Mythri R Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology. Bannhi Das Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology. Name: Dr. Phd thesis on polyaniline Das Department: Biotechnology PG. George Lekha Dean of Science UG Campus Co-ordinator Department of Botany. Shalini B.
U HOD, Associate Professor Department of Botany. Page No 2 Jennifer, C. and Shalini, B. U A Review on skin Whitening Property of Plant Extracts.
Bio Sci. Medicinal plants for primary health care in the ethnobotanical garden of Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, India. Carmelight 8 1 : 3 Mayuri Khandelwal, Neetika Jaisinghani, Kavitha Singh and Shalini, B. Comparison of Medicinal properties of Dry and Sprouted seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum.
of Dry and Sprouted seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum. Carmelight 8 2 of English, Shri MuktanandaCollege, Gsngapur Dist. Aurangabad, Maharashtra National 1 st March 7 Urban farming — Mushroom Cultivation Venkateshwara University, Tirupati International 27 th February 8 LEGUME DIVERSITY IN INDIA Sri Jagadguru Renukacharya College of Science, Arts, and Commerce, Race Course Road, Bengaluru National 20 th January 9 Phd thesis on polyaniline the secrets of Thallophytes Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode, TN National 11 th January 10 International Code of Nomenclature ICN for plants BSI, Deccan Regional Centre, with Department Of Botany, Andhra University National 6th January 11 Funding projects: agencies, procedure and strategies Dr.
of Botany, Teresian College, Mysore National 19th June 26 Future Perspectives in Biotechnology B.
Beth Karlin Ph.D. Thesis Defense
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PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Ismail, Nurul Iman Wan () The role of mesolimbic system and lateral habenular molecular targets (CB₁, GluA₁ and NK₁ receptors) in mitragyna speciosa korth (ketum) addiction in the mitragynine-sensitised swiss albino mice. PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia List of Mathematics project topics and materials. Get National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Undergraduate, Masters & Phd. sample works for your final year research project. As final year research project are a crucial part in a student’s life, choose the right research, projects, thesis, dissertation topics & ideas with our Dr. -Ing. Brij Mohan Mundotiya Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Materials Engineering), M.E.(Materials Eng.), blogger.com(Metallurgical & Materials Eng.) Research Interests: Thin films, Synthesis and characterization of Ultrafine and Nanostructured materials, Nanostructured thin films, Nanostructured CoatingsView Profile --View Google Scholar Profile
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