8 rows · · Moral Values Essay 1 ( words) Moral values are good values such as compassion, Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Essays on Moral Values Please enter something FIND ESSAY. Self Reflection: Moral Values. Words • Pages • 3. I had this experience when I was in high school in Turkey. I spent a lot of money on stuff which are not needed or extra things. Due to spending money excessively, my Essay on Moral Values – Written in English (Essay 2 – Words) Moral values are the key essence of life and it is these values that come along with us through the journey of life. Moral values are basically the principles that guide our life in the righteous path and do Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Long and Short Essay on Moral Values in English for Children and Students
Moral values are the good values that our taught to us by our parents and teachers. These include being honest and kind, showing respect towards others, extending help to those in need, being faithful to ones partner and cooperating with others to name a few.
Imbibing good moral values make a person a good human being, essays on moral values. A person who sticks to his moral values is said to bear a good character. Here are essays on Moral Values of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.
You can choose any Moral Values essay as per your need:. Moral values are good values such as compassion, generosity, honesty, kindness, integrity, politeness, perseverance, self control and respect. Individuals who possess these qualities are considered to be an asset to the society.
They do not only lead a disciplined life but also help in bringing out the best in those around them. Their dedication towards essays on moral values, sense of self control and helping nature is appreciated by everyone, essays on moral values.
Every parent wants his child to bear a good moral character. Many families in India are especially strict when it comes to imbibing moral values.
They stress upon its importance and try to help their children inculcate the same from an early age. However, the moral values in the society are degrading with time. There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to moral values. On the other hand as per the other one a person must not be too strict with essays on moral values and that moral values may be altered to some extent if they become a cause of stress. The youth these days is more inclined towards seeking happiness rather than valuing moral values, essays on moral values.
This may be attributed to the growing influence of the western culture. Moral values include being honest, kind, essays on moral values, showing respect to others, essays on moral values, helping others, having a sense of self control, treating everyone equally and imbibing other such good qualities, essays on moral values. A person possessing such qualities is known to bear a good moral character.
On the other hand, those who do not possess such qualities are looked down upon by the society. It requires conviction to follow good habits and imbibe moral values. Not every individual is as strong willed to follow these habits.
However, we must try to imbibe these. People look forward to individuals with good moral values. One of the things that the interviewer examines during a job interview is whether the prospective employee bears good moral values. Besides the basic moral values, every organization has a defined ethical code of conduct that the employees are expected to follow, essays on moral values.
An organization with disciplined employees who possess good moral values runs more systematically compared to those where these basics things are not sorted. There is less corruption and everyone gets a fair chance to learn and grow in such an environment. This is the reason why employers give special attention to this quality while selecting an employee.
However, unfortunately, the youth today does not give much importance to the moral values. The growing competition these days is one of the reasons for the degradation of these values.
In an attempt to grow professionally, essays on moral values, people do not hesitate to lie, deceive and use other unethical and immoral practices. This disturbs the work environment. It is because of this that the deserving employees lead a lifetime on the same position while essays on moral values ones who employ immoral practices essays on moral values on the top.
Our society needs more individuals that possess good moral values in order to grow and develop the right way. A person is said to be good or bad on the basis of these values. Moral values define the norms of right and wrong and good and bad.
These defined norms help the people understand as how they must act in the society in order to lead a peaceful life. Decision making becomes easy to some extent as a person knows the repercussions of his behaviour based on the moral principles he has been taught since childhood. Moral values give us an aim in life. We are grounded in reality and are motivated to do good for those around us if we bear good moral values.
Helping others, caring for those around us, essays on moral values, taking wise decisions and not hurting others are essays on moral values of the examples of good moral values.
These values help in bringing out the best in us. The Indian society and culture gives high regard to the moral values. From the childhood itself, individuals are expected to behave in a manner which is morally correct. They are taught what is right and wrong as per the society. Talking with respect with the elders and with patience and love with those who are younger to us is one of the first lessons taught to us.
One is also taught to bear a good moral character. Indulging in drinking, smoking and other such notorious activities is almost a taboo in the Indian society, particularly for the women. It is considered to be against the custom and tradition of the Indian society. People in India have been known to have broken family ties with those who tread on the path which is not morally correct. However, with the changing times and growing attraction towards the western culture many people are defying these set norms of morality.
Everyone these days wants freedom to live their life their own way and the strict moral values often hamper their happiness. Many people go against the society to seek freedom and happiness.
While individuals must bear good moral values, sometimes they seem too far-fetched. With the changes in the mindset and the way of living, moral values must also be altered and should not remain too stringent. Moral values are the good values taught to help people lead a disciplined life.
Moral values include good habits such as honesty, helpfulness, integrity, respectfulness, love, hard work and compassion. This is a growing age wherein a person learns several lessons each day, essays on moral values. The lessons learned during this age stay with us for the rest of our lives. It is thus important to help the students inculcate good moral values.
After all, they are the future of the nation. Children with good moral values grow up to become responsible youth. Those who are devoid of good values do not only spoil their lives as they grow older but are also a threat to the society. Parents as well as teachers must put in special efforts to help students imbibe good moral values.
Children are quite observant. Most of the things they learn in life is by observing their teachers, parents and elder siblings. They pay more heed to the way their elders act and behave and imbibe the same rather than what they are instructed to do. For instance, they will be inspired to speak the truth if they see their elders doing the same. On the other hand, if they are repeatedly asked to speak the truth but see their elders doing otherwise, they too shall be tempted to lie.
It is thus the responsibility of the parents and teachers to behave properly to demonstrate good values so that the children inculcate the same. They must inspire the students to be polite, help others, speak the truth, be compassionate and take up responsibilities with pleasure, essays on moral values. Schools must also focus on imparting moral values to the essays on moral values by way of good moral stories and lessons rather than merely lecturing them on the same.
Evil practices and bad habits must be condemned so that the students stay away essays on moral values them. Inculcating good moral values in students is as important as teaching them other subjects. Times are changing and the mindset of people is changing with time. While it is good to move with the time however moving away from ones roots and moral values is not a good thing.
They have a different outlook towards life. Indulging in frivolous act, lying for their benefit, smoking, drinking and having drugs is a common sight these days, essays on moral values. While this was considered a taboo a few decades back, youth these days indulges in the same without any inhibitions.
Most of this can be attributed to the influence of the western culture. Besides, parents these days have also become extremely busy in their lives that they hardly get time to spend with their children and teach them what is right and wrong. A person must bear good moral values such as essays on moral values, helping nature, decency, righteousness and self-discipline.
Such a person is an asset to the society. Moral values are the values defined by the society to guide individuals to lead a disciplined life. While the basic moral values such as honesty, kindness and cooperative behaviour remain the same some values may change or modify over the time. Moral values differ to some extent based on the society one lives in.
They also differ from generation to generation. India is one such country that boasts of its rich moral values and deep rooted culture. Respecting our elders is the first and foremost value taught to us. Our parents emphasize its importance since our childhood. Talking ill to the elders — be it our parents, grandparents, relatives or any other elder is considered offensive, essays on moral values.
India is known for its joint family system. Children continue to live with their parents and siblings even after their marriage in our country. Until few year back, this was more of a custom.
Even if the house was small or there were differences among the family members, people were still expected to essays on moral values together and live under one roof. Sons and daughter in laws were expected to take care of their parents during their old age and anyone essays on moral values urged to live separately was considered to be disrespectful towards his parents.
Such young couples were talked ill about in the neighbourhood and among the relatives.
Why values matter - Jan Stassen - TEDxMünchen
, time: 9:41Essay on Moral Values: 8 Selected Essays on Moral Values
· Below we have provided a Long, descriptive Essay on moral values and a Short, brief Essay on moral values. The extended essay on moral values consists of words and is a guideline to help students with their essay topic. The short essay contains words to help and guide children and kids. Long Essay on Moral Values Words. The long essay on moral values Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins 8 rows · · Moral Values Essay 1 ( words) Moral values are good values such as compassion, Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Essay on Moral Values – Written in English (Essay 2 – Words) Moral values are the key essence of life and it is these values that come along with us through the journey of life. Moral values are basically the principles that guide our life in the righteous path and do Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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