· AIDS Essay Introduction: AIDS standing for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrom is a deadly disease that makes human beings unable to resist it. It is caused basically by a virus called Hepatitis V. This is the most tragic incident in the history of blogger.com: Man gets attacked with thiEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins Short Essay on HIV AIDS in English - One of the deadliest and most destructive ailments that has gripped human society is the pandemic known as AIDS. The disease itself is a retro-viral disease with its pathogen known as HIV or Human Immunodeficiency blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Essay on HIV/AIDS: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention! Human immunodeficiency virus infection/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). During the initial infection a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
Essay on AIDS for School/College Students and Others in Simple language
Essay on AIDS! These essays will also guide you to learn about the causes, effects, symptoms and prevention on AIDS. Contents List of Essays on AIDS Essay on AIDS — Short Essay Essay 1 — Words Essay on AIDS Essay 2 — Words Essay on AIDS — Written in English Essay 3 — Words Essay on AIDS — Essay on aids Students Class 9, essay on aids, 10, 11 and 12 Essay 4 — Words Essay on AIDS — Causes, essay on aids, Signs, Symptoms and Effects Essay 5 — Words Essay on AIDS — For Medical Students Essay 6 — Words Essay on AIDS — Introduction, Causes, Effects and Conclusion Essay 7 — Words Essay on AIDS — For IPS, UPSC, essay on aids, IAS, Civil Services and Other Competitive Exams Essay 8 — Words.
It is one of the deadliest diseases we have essay on aids earth today and as on date, there is no cure available for this disease. That is why it is all the more important for the students to understand this disease so as to keep themselves protected and guide others as well.
Keeping this in mind; we have prepared short essays for students so as to make them understand what AIDS is all about, how it is transmitted and what steps that can be taken to prevent this disease from further transmission. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school essay on aids Class 6, 7, essay on aids, 8, 9 and 10 and college students.
Furthermore, those students preparing for IAS, IPS, essay on aids, UPSC, Civil Services and other competitive exams can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays. AIDS is a global healthcare concern and most people are aware of it. It is not a disease but it is a syndrome that is associated with the infection named HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virushence the disease is termed as HIV or AIDS.
AIDS is an acronym that stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS affects the immune system and that is why an individual shows symptoms of immune deficiency. The advancement of AIDS is usually in stages and the individual may deteriorate as symptoms worsen, essay on aids.
There have been formulation of drugs that are being used to minimize the symptoms because the condition is incurable. In the last stage of HIV infection i. Essay on aids is a killer syndrome that is why it occurs in the last stage of HIV infection.
It can be prevented for a long time if an individual with HIV infection adheres to medication and proper diet. The human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS is often described as the disease of the modern age and to some extent that is true.
Let us look at the issue from a different perspective. First of all, consider all the different epidemics that took over the earth in recent centuries, first among them is plague. We can see that every age or civilization has its own set of particular diseases that it struggles with.
Sometimes they are controlled in small parts of the population while at other times they expand rapidly and get out of our control. When such events happen, people tend to panic and the same happened with AIDS. Once fear gets a grip of us, we stop looking at things rationally and start acting according to instinct that is the moment when most people search for someone to blame for what is happening, essay on aids.
The fight against AIDS needs to be led on two fronts. The first is medicine and a lot has been done after the initial panic of the 80s. The other front is social and all of us play an equal part in that struggle. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. When a person has AIDS, it simply means that his immune system is unable to fight diseases or ailments. A person fighting this virus falls sick with every attack on his immune system.
In severe cases, these diseases can lead to the death of the carrier. AIDS is not a standalone disease but a later stage of another disease. Nobody contracts this disease unless he has first contracted HIV. Hence, to understand how the disease develops we must first examine how people contract HIV.
HIV is a virus and it is contracted when a person comes in contact with a person already carrying the virus. Specifically, this contact can be from sex, sharing sharp object like needles or breast milk in the case of a child.
When a person acquires HIV, he can live a full life since his immune system is strong enough to resist diseases. However, where HIV goes untreated, the immune system gradually gets weaker until it becomes AIDS. At this stage, the body has no defenses against any disease. Such a person can die even due to simple fever. In examining the preventive measures for AIDS we must approach it from two folds.
From the perspective of a person who has not contracted HIV. When a person has already contracted HIV, he needs to prevent it from growing into AIDS. To do this, he or she needs to have a healthy diet, live in a clean environment and most importantly take antiretroviral drugs as prescribed by a medical practitioner. In the meantime, we must limit and reduce the spread of this deadly virus.
This condition is caused due to a virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. AIDS is caused as a result of HIV attack. HIV is essay on aids virus that directly affects the immune cells of our body and infiltrates them. These white blood cells are the ones that travel our body to essay on aids if there is any type of defects or faults in any part. This will eventually lead to catching any kind of infections, from the small fever to the dangerous infections, from the surrounding or from a person with any kind of infectious disease, etc.
AIDS is the last stage for this disease where the person affected will completely lose the ability to cop up with the disease. Starting stage of AIDS will be of a simple illness along with vomiting or weakness. It is very difficult to find AIDS in the early stage as it does not have any unique symptom. Whenever there is a fever or any other essay on aids of infectious diseases seems to continuously affect a person, they should get the tests done for finding out whether they have AIDS or not.
AIDS was detected in Africa mostly in the western and central part in the twentieth century by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, essay on aids. AIDS was known to be a life-threatening one and almost affected and killed more than 30 million people in the initial years.
This number was found to be increasing as the years passed. The main ways of AIDS from passing on is through actual sexual contact, direct tissue or body fluids exposure and from a pregnant mother to the child. The AIDS-infected mother may pass on the disease in early pregnancy stage, during delivery or while breastfeeding, essay on aids. AIDS get spread through the exposure of contaminated blood as well.
There is a myth that AIDS gets spread through speaking or mucus or eating essay on aids the same plate, etc. There is nothing like that and discriminating a person due to their disease should not be done. Experts have not yet found a complete cure for this disease as HIV is an advanced form of a virus. But through frequent medication and treatments, AIDS can be controlled in a balanced way to avoid the person from essay on aids affected by the advanced disease. There has been much technological advancement in the field of medicine, essay on aids.
However, there are still diseases for which we essay on aids not been able to find a cure. We can just have some measures in place to control them, essay on aids. HIV is a virus that reduces essay on aids ability of our white blood cells to fight an infection thereby making us prone to acquiring different infections.
AIDS is just the advanced version of HIV, essay on aids. In this essay on aids, the body is at maximum risk of acquiring infections and cancer, essay on aids. There are a number of causes which lead to the transmission of this disease.
The first and foremost is getting a sexual contact with the infected person. This cause is, in fact, the most common way which has resulted in the spread of this disease. Sex workers are therefore often educated to take necessary precautions in order to protect themselves from this disease. Blood and blood products are the second most common cause which leads to the spread of this disease. Blood transfusions using affected blood increase the risk of acquiring AIDS in the recipient.
Unsafe medical syringes also contribute to the spread of the infection from one person to another. That is why disposing injections are advised in hospitals so essay on aids to stop the spread to disease. This disease can also be spread from a mother to her child through breastfeeding. The initial period following the attack of HIV called intense HIV, essential HIV or intense retroviral disorder.
Numerous people show up a flu-like disease or a mononucleosis-like ailment up to a month essay on aids introduction of this virus while others have no critical side effects. The rash, which happens in half of cases, is present on the trunk and is traditionally called maculopapular. Since AIDS has no cure there is a stigma attached to it. A person suffering from AIDS shall be hesitant to talk about it in public as compared to a person suffering from any other common disease such as fever or the essay on aids cold.
Also, the people suffering from this disease often face discrimination in society and essay on aids their workplace. There have been numerous instances where people have been fired from their jobs after they have been detected to be suffering from this disease.
However, we should understand that it is not a communicable disease and in fact, we should support such people as they are constantly living essay on aids fear of acquiring new infections knowing well that their body is not equipped essay on aids resist the infections. Even small infections can lead to their death. We should all be nice towards them and help them in their troubled times.
AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. AIDS is the extreme crackdown of immunity when the body is attacked and infected with HIV. Many people get confused and remain unaware of the difference between AIDS and HIV. HIV is the short form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Basically, HIV is the virus that attacks the immune cells and causes infection in the essay on aids. When this infection reaches its peak, it gives birth to AIDS disease.
The bottom line is that an HIV positive person may or may not have AIDS. Everything depends on the severeness of the infection stage. These include transfusion of HIV infected blood into a healthy person.
The disease also spreads by using an HIV contaminated syringe or razor.
HIV and AIDS – explained in a simple way
, time: 2:56HIV and AIDS Essay - Words | Bartleby

Short Essay on HIV AIDS in English - One of the deadliest and most destructive ailments that has gripped human society is the pandemic known as AIDS. The disease itself is a retro-viral disease with its pathogen known as HIV or Human Immunodeficiency blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · 10 Lines About AIDS Essay AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome AIDS is an autoimmune disorder and a sexually transmitted disease (STD). When the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) enters the body, it causes a syndrome that we call AIDS. The immune system has CD4 cells that are Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins · AIDS Essay Introduction: AIDS standing for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrom is a deadly disease that makes human beings unable to resist it. It is caused basically by a virus called Hepatitis V. This is the most tragic incident in the history of blogger.com: Man gets attacked with thiEstimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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