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Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer theory, frictional drag and heating, separation and transition. Turbulent flows. Computational methods for laminar and turbulent flows. Text: Viscous Fluid Flow, Frank M. White, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York,ISBN Grading Policy is an instructor option and may vary. To extend the theoretical framework built in AAE to include viscous flow. Apply the theory to the calculation of boundary layers in two dimensions.
Introduction to transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic boundary layers, laminar-turbulent transition, and turbulence. Apply a standard finite-difference boundary-layer code by comparing to 2D experimental data. Use these to develop a qualitative understanding of parametric effects such as those due to pressure gradient. Learn the proper use of a canned code, including an understanding of the method, the limits of its applicability, boundary layer theory homework, the effect of grid resolution, and the sensitivity of the results to the input parameters.
Compare to experimental data. Inviscid flow; incompressible required and compressible desirable. Ability to write a computer program. Experience with FORTRAN desirable. Introduction: Significance of viscous phenomena. Review of thermodynamics. Molecular diffusion of momentum and heat. Newtonian viscous shear. The Navier-Stokes equations. Boundary-layer concepts and boundary-layer equations. Boundary-layer separation. Integral Analysis of Laminar Boundary Layers: Boundary layer integral equations.
Karman-Pohlhausen technique. Thwaite's method. Applications of Thwaite's method. Differential Equations for Laminar Flow: Continuity, momentum and energy conservation. Exact Solutions for Laminar Flow: Parallel flow solutions. Self-similar solutions. Methods for obtaining numerically exact solutions. Introduction to Compressible Laminar Viscous Flow: Exact solutions: compressible Couette flow.
Compressible boundary layers, boundary layer theory homework. Introduction to shock-boundary layer interaction. Introduction to Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Linear instability theory. Experimental results in bounded and free shear flows, both incompressible and compressible. Effects of roughness, turbulence, vibration, noise, curvature, and so on.
Introduction to Turbulent Boundary Layers: Reynolds averaged equations of motion. The Kolmogorov scale, boundary layer theory homework. The law of the wall and the law of the wake. Integral models. Differential equation models. This is an elective for seniors, usually those majoring in aerodynamics. All course objectives contribute to the program objective of providing technical competence in aerodynamics 1.
The ability to formulate and solve engineering problems 2a is emphasized in the homework assignments and projects. Teamwork 2b is emphasized in the computer boundary layer theory homework and in the group homework assignments leading up to it. For these projects, the students work in teams of 2 or 3. The ability to communicate effectively in writing 2c is covered in the projects and homeworks, many of which are informal reports. Professional conduct 2dlife-long learning 3 and society impact 4 are discussed by the instructor through anecdotal stories throughout the course.
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AAE Viscous Flows Description: Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer theory, frictional drag and heating, separation and transition. Format: 3 hrs lecture per week Credit hours: 3 Status: Elective Offered: Spring Pre-requisite: AAE Co-requisite : None Staff: Professor Schneider Text: Viscous Fluid Flow, Frank M. Objectives include developing abilities to: · Understand the concepts of molecular diffusion, viscous flow, boundary layers, separation, laminar-turbulent transition, boundary layer theory homework, and turbulence · Calculate laminar incompressible 2D boundary layers boundary layer theory homework integral methods such as Thwaites · Calculate exact solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for simple flows · Calculate exact self-similar solutions to the boundary-layer or Navier-Stokes boundary layer theory homework, such as the Falkner-Skan solutions.
Necessary Background: 1. Vector calculus and differential equations through PDEs 2. Thermodynamics 3. Introductory Fluid Mechanics 4. Topics: 1. Exams 2 classes. Boundary layer theory homework to Program Objectives: This is an elective for seniors, usually those majoring in aerodynamics. Prepared by: Steven Schneider Date: February 16, AAE Courses. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics homepage Exam Schedule Purdue Catalog of Courses Purdue Course Schedules.
Intro to Boundary Layer Theory — Lesson 1
, time: 8:41Syllabus | Hydrofoils and Propellers | Mechanical Engineering | MIT OpenCourseWare

Download File PDF Heat Transfer Homework Solutions transfer coefficient, and the mass transfer coefficient in the context of boundary layer theory. The final chapter covers the basics of radiative heat transfer, including concepts such as blackbodies, graybodies, radiation shields, and enclosures Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory Bird, Stewart, & Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena Grading Homework (assigned semi-regularly) 40% Exam (take home) 30% Final Project 30% 1. Approximate Topics and Their Ordering Topic(s) Continuum concept Tensors Surface forces & the stress tensor Boundary layers form anywhere a fluid encounters a solid boundary. This means any object surrounding us, and well even on us! Boundary layers are extremely important for the analysis of heat transfer and for designing energy efficient systems. Laminar boundary layers are the first stage of a boundary layer, so there cannot be boundary layers without a laminar blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min
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