Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Any research paper about gaborone city

Any research paper about gaborone city

any research paper about gaborone city

Gaborone is the capital city of Botswana. It has transformed and evolved over the years into an economic hub. It comprises complex infrastructure, shopping malls, hotels, schools and clinics. The numerous economic activities that occur in the city have resulted in mushrooming of high rise buildings in the city Land use land cover (LULC) change is one of the major driving forces of global environmental change in many developing countries. In this study, LULC changes were evaluated in the Gaborone dam catchment in Botswana between and The catchment is a major source of water supply to Gaborone city and its surrounding areas. The study employed Remote Sensing and Geographical Jul 05,  · Gaborone in Brief Gaborone is the capital and largest city of Botswana and has a population of , based on the census. Its agglomeration is home to , inhabitants at the blogger.com city is served by the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. It is headquarters to numerous companies and the Botswana Stock Exchange

Gaborone Research Papers - blogger.com

Botswana, like most countries in the developing world, has been daunted by an ever increasing demand for serviced land and housing in all its towns and cities. The pressure on municipal and central governments to allocate adequate attention and finance to house urban populations, especially the poor has also been rising. As a result, some countries including Botswana have developed public-private partnerships seeking to reduce public investments and risks associated with land servicing and provision of housing to the poor.

This paper is an attempt to assess the performance of public-private partnerships in land servicing and housing delivery in Botswana taking Gaborone Municipal area as a case study. Data and information presented in this paper are drawn from secondary sources and in-depth interviews with key informants in the private sector, Botswana Housing Corporation, Gaborone City Council and the former Ministry of Lands and Housing.

It notes that, contrary to common practices, Botswana has been able to involve private sector firms in land servicing and delivery of projects without explicit contracts. Although the strategy may have relieved land and housing pressure on state resources, any research paper about gaborone city, it appears to have excluded vulnerable and low income groups that are often target beneficiaries of state sponsored housing programmes.

The paper ends with recommendations on how public-private partnerships in Botswana may be improved to achieve better efficiency and inclusiveness. Public-Private PartnershipLand ServicingHousing DeliveryBotswanaany research paper about gaborone city, Gaborone. Although Public-Private Partnership PPP arrangements have traditionally been deployed to construct or manage public sector infrastructure facilities and services e.

water and energy supply, roads and telecommunicationof late several countries have adopted PPP arrangements in land servicing and real estate developments. Through PPP arrangements, central and local governments in these countries have been able to finance, construct, own, operate and deliver affordable housing to their people by sharing risks according to predetermined contractual provisions UN Habitat, This paper seeks to assess the performance of the PPP approach in Botswana with particular reference to land servicing and housing provision in the city of Gaborone.

The paper is divided into seven parts. This introduction is followed by a discussion on the definition, origin, forms and benefits of public-private partnerships in service delivery.

Section 5 presents the Case Study, while Sections 6 and 7 discuss the findings and make recommendations on the way forward. As observed by Senguptathe concept of Public-Private Partnership PPP is an offshoot of the wider enabling approach whose primary objective is to empower communities and reduce public sector burden in providing basic goods and services, any research paper about gaborone city.

Under the PPP approach, the private any research paper about gaborone city wholly or partly finances a project and, in addition, carries out one or several aspects of project implementation including design, construction, maintenance or operation of the facility while the government contributes land or finance and retains the oversight role. According Payneonly projects and programs in which both public and private sector entities have financial commitments, exposure to risk and some benefits or rewards may be included in the PPP category.

According to the Commission of the European CommunityPPPs can any research paper about gaborone city initiated through three avenues namely competitive dialogue for public contractscommunity initiative mostly for concessions and private initiatives mainly for non-national operators. The last avenue is the one that many organisations argue in support.

Public-Private Partnerships PPPs are becoming an increasingly important tool for delivering public services both with regard any research paper about gaborone city infrastructure assets bridges, roads and more complex assets prisons, hospitals, any research paper about gaborone city, utilities.

According to Hawkesworth :. PPPs can be viewed in a broad way as covering most interactions between the private and public sectors and in a more narrow way focusing on particular sets of risk-sharing and financial relationships.

PPP principles will aid decision makers facing the trade-offs between three demands inherent in a PPP project process. First, the public sector must be a prudent fiscal actor. It falls on the decision maker to ensure that the PPP is affordable, that it represents adequate value for money, and that any fiscal risks are limited. Second, the demands for investment from particular sectors such as transportation, health and education have to be assessed prudently against each other so that the projects that are pursued are those that yield the highest return on investment for society as a whole.

Finally, decision makers must balance the risk taken by the private sector and those retained by the public sector. It also requires deciding what the appropriate price such a transfer should be, any research paper about gaborone city. providing more value for money compared to traditional forms of procurement and production.

The partnerships range from a simple collaboration whereby a private sector institution e. bank or pension fund funds a public sector project to more complex arrangements in which a private sector body designs, builds, maintains and operates a public facility under a long term agreement with the government.

The basic PPP contract types include service contracts, management contracts, afterimage or lease contracts, build-operate-transfer BOTconcessions and joint ventures ADB, Any research paper about gaborone city, according to Kasala and Burra and UN Habitat three approaches, namely Build Operate and Transfer BOTBuild Own and Operate BOO and Private Finance Initiative PFIappear to be the most popular and relevant to land servicing.

Under the BOT, the private sector finances, builds and operates the facility for a fixed period of time after which the ownership reverts to the public while under BOO the private sector operates the facility or service in perpetuity, any research paper about gaborone city.

As appropriately observed by several authors e. and, of particular interest to this paper, any research paper about gaborone city, serviced land for housing low income earners.

Before adapting the PPP approach, any research paper about gaborone city, almost all countries relied on the provider approach whereby the government was the direct provider of serviced land and housing in all urban areas. The provider approach was constrained by inadequate financial resources, weak logistical and administrative capacities, and lack of adequate skills and technologies. According to Senguptathe attempt to shift the responsibility of housing provision to the market economy also proved ineffective in respect of low income housing.

Studies undertaken to assess the performance of the PPP approach in land servicing and housing delivery indicate that the approach has been generally successful Payne, According to Kasala and Burra p.

The saved resources are used for the delivery of other services. and infrastructure facilities roads, open spaces, cemeteries, etc, any research paper about gaborone city. at no cost to the government. The cost is borne by land owners and the private sector. Besides increasing the supply of serviced land and restraining the growth of squatter settlements, the PPP approach has been faulted for escalating the price of residential plots Ahmed, or bias towards meeting the land demands for the rich Adusumilli, The remainder of this paper explores the strengths and weaknesses of the PPP approach in Botswana and Gaborone Municipality in particular.

The Government of Botswana has since colonial days assumed the responsibility of acquiring, servicing, allocation and administration of land for urban development. While this responsibility lay with the Public Works Department PWD during the colonial period, it shifted to the Ministry of Local Government and Lands later known as the Ministry of Local Government, Lands and Housing after independence.

The Act provided for 1 orderly and progressive development of land in both urban and rural settlements; 2 the preservation and improvement of amenities; 3 granting of permission to develop land; and 4 for monitoring the use of land. The bulk of the above named activities were placed on the Minister for Local Government and Lands.

Part III of the Act required the Minister to prepare and approve development plans consisting of a report of survey, maps and proposals indicating and defining sites for various land use activities that is, roads, parks, residential, commercial, agriculture, mining etc.

for all settlements declared planning areas. Part IV gave the Minister responsibilities for approving or rejecting applications to develop land in planning areas. In addition, and in spite of being a unitary state, the Minister was assisted by several sub-national institutions such as District and Municipal Councils, Land Boards and Village Development Committees. Initially, the role of sub-national institutions in land use planning, servicing and administration was largely advisory and could readily be ignored or overlooked by the Minister.

Under Section 5 of the Town and Country Planning Actevery council was appointed a planning authority for its planning area.

In terms of the amended Town and Country Planning Act, the Minister is currently responsible for formulation of national policies, strategies and programmes in respect to the use and development of land; declaration of planning regions and areas; and approval of regional and local development plans. The most critical challenge facing District, Municipal and City council in executing their new mandate of land servicing and delivery is inadequate financial resources.

As observed by Moshalocal authorities in Botswana are not autonomous and largely rely on Central Government for both recurrent and development budgets. Serowe Planning Area, for example, has residential plots covering hectares which have been planned, surveyed and allocated but beneficiaries have been unable to developed them due to lack of basic services Envirometrix, Botswana has since attainment of independence in experienced unprecedented urbanisation in terms of both numbers and quality of life.

The number of towns and cities increased from 3 to 7 between and while 25 villages become urbanised 1 and declared planning areas. Mineral revenues have enabled the government to balance its recurrent budgets as well as undertake huge capital investments in education, health, transport, energy and water resources. Rural-urban migration did inevitably lead to overwhelming demand for land, housing and other facilities in urban centres. According to Kalabamu and Morolong p.

Starting the mids, the demand for housing spilled into villages and settlements surrounding towns and cities which, in turn, resulted into rapid growth of illegal, unplanned and unserviced residential developments in peri-urban areas. The peri-urban land invasions later became the subject of a presidential commission of enquiry in Government of Botswana, Available literature e. The directive sought to: 1 reduce government expenditure on servicing of state land; 2 attract large scale industrial and commercial developments through a fast system of state land any research paper about gaborone city and 3 promote economic diversification and job creation.

The directive targeted both local and foreign investors who would be invited to tender for specific land parcels as advertised from time to time. In addition, the government sought to leverage on private sector resources for land servicing. The specific objectives of the directive were:. The directive was extremely general and lacking in terms of specific responsibilities to be assigned to the private sector, duration of implementation, contributions to be made by each partner and so on. In addition, it was not clear whether this was a privatisation or partnership initiative.

Adopted inthe Strategy on Private Sector Participation in Land Servicing is a policy implementation framework which seeks to augment and address flaws identified in the national policy on land servicing. The objectives of the strategy are:. Ministry of Lands and Housing, any research paper about gaborone city, p.

Unlike the policy which limited private participation to servicing of state land, the strategy extends their involvement to all land tenure systems 2. In addition, the strategy spells out responsibilities to be undertaken by the public and private sectors as follows:.

The strategy is, for intent and purpose, an expression of the reality on the ground as revealed in the Gaborone case study discussed below. Botswana, with a population of 2. As noted earlier, Botswana has experienced rapid urban population growth due to rural-urban migration fuelled by several factors including widespread poverty and inadequate paid employment opportunities in rural areas. Gaborone was chosen for this study because it has been the main recipient of rural-urban population movements.

In addition, Gaborone has experienced the highest demand for serviced land and housing. It has also been the epicentre of public-private partnership activities.

Data and information presented in this paper was drawn from 1 secondary sources government publications, newspapers, previous any research paper about gaborone city, conference and journal articles ; and 2 in-depth interviews with key informants in the private sector, Botswana Housing Corporation, Gaborone City Council and the former Ministry of Lands and Housing. Gaborone was conceived, designed and built in the early s.

Then the government owned all the land on which the town was to be built. The government demarcated and built all infrastructure services roads, any research paper about gaborone city, any research paper about gaborone city supply, electricity networks, drainage systems etc. and public facilities notably schools, hospitals and health clinics. It also built houses which it rented out to senior civil servants.

The private sector produced a few high cost houses for business people and affluent individuals outside government employment Kalabamu, p. The state reacted to the emergence of squatter settlements by introducing the Botswana Housing Corporation BHC and self-help housing schemes popularly known as SHHA.

Established in as a state owned company, the Botswana Housing Corporation BHC was given the task of: 1 building houses to meet the needs any research paper about gaborone city both central and local governments; 2 assisting individuals to build houses for themselves; and 3 building houses for sale to the public. According to Letsholo p. Since BHC has been allocated chunks of un-serviced land which it had to service before constructing houses for sale or letting.

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any research paper about gaborone city

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