The Federalist, commonly referred to as the Federalist Papers, is a series of 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison between October and May The essays were published anonymously, under the pen name "Publius," in various New York state newspapers of the time. The Federalist Papers were written and published to urge New Yorkers to ratify the Alexander Hamilton was born and spent part of his childhood in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis in the Leeward Islands (then part of the British West Indies).Hamilton and his older brother James Jr. (–) were born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of half-British and half-French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, a Scotsman who was the fourth son Jan 11, · Alexander Hamilton is an improbable success story. Essay writing wasn’t Hamilton’s only literary passion. A number of poems have also been attributed to Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton - Wikipedia
Alexander Hamilton January 11, or — July 12, was a Caribbean-born American statesman, politician, legal scholar, military commander, lawyer, banker, and economist. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.
He was an influential interpreter and promoter of the U. Constitutionas well as the founder of the nation's financial system, the Federalist Partythe United States Coast Guardand the New York Post newspaper. As the first secretary of the treasuryHamilton was the main author of the economic policies of President George Washington 's administration. He took the lead in the federal government's funding of the states' debts, as well as establishing the nation's first two de facto central banks i.
the Bank of North America and the First Bank of the United Statesa system of tariffs, and friendly trade relations with Britain. His vision included a strong central government led by a alexander hamilton essay executive branch, a strong commercial economy, support for manufacturing, and a strong military. Hamilton alexander hamilton essay born out of wedlock in CharlestownNevis. He was orphaned as a child and taken in by a prosperous merchant.
When he reached his teens, he was sent to New York to pursue his education, alexander hamilton essay. He took an early role in the militia as the American Revolutionary War began. As an artillery officer in the new Continental Army he saw action in the New York and New Jersey campaign. Inhe became a senior aide to Commander in Chief General George Washington, but returned to field command in time for a pivotal action securing victory at the Siege of Yorktown.
After the war, he was elected as a representative from New York to the Congress of the Confederation. He resigned to practice law and founded the Bank of New York before entering politics. Hamilton was a leader in seeking to replace the weak confederal government under the Articles of Confederation ; he led the Annapolis Convention ofwhich spurred Congress to call a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.
He helped ratify the Constitution by writing 51 of the 85 installments of The Federalist Paperswhich are still used as one of the most important references for Constitutional interpretation. Hamilton led the Treasury Department as a trusted member of President Washington's first Cabinet.
Hamilton successfully argued that the implied powers of the Constitution provided the legal authority to fund the national debtto assume states' debts, and to create the government-backed Bank of the United States the First Bank of the United States.
These programs were funded primarily by a tariff on imports, alexander hamilton essay, and later by a controversial whiskey tax. He opposed administration entanglement with the series of unstable French revolutionary governments. Hamilton's views became the basis for the Federalist Party, which was opposed by the Democratic-Republican Party led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
Inhe returned to the practice of law in New York. He called for mobilization under President John Adams in —99 against French First Republic military aggression, and became Commanding General of the U. Army, which he reconstituted, modernized, and readied for war. The army did not see combat in the Quasi-Warand Hamilton was outraged by Adams' diplomatic approach to the crisis with France. His opposition to Adams' re-election helped cause the Federalist Party defeat in Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied for the presidency in the electoral collegeand Hamilton helped to defeat Burr, whom he found unprincipled, and to elect Jefferson despite philosophical differences.
Hamilton continued his legal and business activities in New York City, and was active in ending the legality of the international slave trade. Vice President Burr ran for governor of New York State inand Hamilton campaigned against him as unworthy. Taking offense, Burr challenged him to a duel on July 11,in which Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton, who died the following day. Hamilton is generally regarded as an astute and intellectually brilliant administrator, politician and financier, if often impetuous.
His ideas are credited with laying the foundation for American government and finance. Alexander Hamilton was born and spent part of his childhood in Charlestownthe capital of the island of Nevis in the Leeward Islands then part of the British West Indies. Hamilton and his older brother James Jr. Hamilton, alexander hamilton essay, a Scotsman who alexander hamilton essay the fourth son of Alexander Hamilton, the laird of Grange in Ayrshire.
Rachel Faucette was listed as white on tax rolls. It is not certain whether Hamilton's birth was in or In later life, he tended to give his age only in round figures. Historians accepted as his birth year until aboutwhen additional documentation of his early life in the Caribbean was published, initially in Danish.
A probate paper from St. Croix indrafted after the death of Hamilton's mother, listed him as 13 years old, which has caused some historians since the s to favor a birth year of Historians have speculated on possible reasons for two different years of birth to have appeared in historical documents.
If is correct, Hamilton might have been trying to appear younger than his college classmates, or perhaps wished to avoid standing out as older. Richard Brookhiser noted that "a man is more likely to know his own birthday than a probate court. Hamilton's mother had been married previously on St.
Croix [18] in the Virgin Islands, then ruled by Denmarkto a Danish [6] or German merchant, alexander hamilton essay, [19] [20] Johann Michael Lavien. They had one son, Peter Lavien. Alexander hamilton essay Hamilton later abandoned Rachel Faucette and their two sons, James Jr. and Alexander, alexander hamilton essay, allegedly to "spar[e] [her] a charge of bigamy after finding out that her first husband intend[ed] to divorce her under Danish law on grounds of adultery and desertion.
Croix, where she supported them by keeping a small store in Christiansted. She contracted yellow fever and died on February 19,at am, leaving Hamilton orphaned. Many items were auctioned off, but a friend purchased the family's books and returned them to Hamilton, alexander hamilton essay. Hamilton became a clerk at Beekman and Cruger, a local import-export alexander hamilton essay that traded with New York and New England. were briefly taken in by their cousin Peter Lytton; however, Lytton took his own life in Julyleaving his property to his mistress and their son, and the Hamilton brothers were subsequently separated.
Kitts and Nevis for years at the time when Alexander was conceived, while Thomas Stevens lived on Antigua and St. Croix; also, James Hamilton never disclaimed paternity, and even in later years, signed his letters to Hamilton with "Your very Affectionate Father. Hamilton, despite being only in his teenage years, proved capable enough as a trader to alexander hamilton essay left in charge of the firm for five months in while the alexander hamilton essay was at alexander hamilton essay. He began to desire a life outside the island where alexander hamilton essay lived.
He wrote a letter to his father that alexander hamilton essay a detailed account of a hurricane that had devastated Christiansted on August 30, The Presbyterian Reverend Alexander hamilton essay Knox, a tutor and mentor to Hamilton, submitted the letter for publication in the Royal Danish-American Gazette. The biographer Ron Chernow found the letter astounding for two reasons; first, that "for all its bombastic excesses, it does seem wondrous [that a] self-educated clerk could write with such verve and gusto," and second, that a teenage boy produced an apocalyptic "fire-and-brimstone sermon" viewing the hurricane as a "divine rebuke to human vanity and pomposity.
The Church of England denied membership to Alexander alexander hamilton essay James Hamilton Jr. They received "individual tutoring" [1] and classes in a private school led by a Jewish headmistress. In October Hamilton arrived by ship in Boston and proceeded from there to New York City. He took lodgings with the Irish-born Hercules Mulligan who, as alexander hamilton essay brother of a trader known to Hamilton's benefactors, assisted Hamilton in selling cargo that was to pay for his education and support.
He there came under the influence of William Livingstona local leading intellectual and revolutionary, with whom he lived for a time.
Hamilton entered Mulligan's alma mater King's College now Columbia University in New York City in the autumn of "as a private student", and officially matriculated in May Church of England clergyman Samuel Seabury published a series of pamphlets promoting the Loyalist cause into which Hamilton responded anonymously with his first political writings, A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress and The Farmer Refuted.
Seabury essentially tried to provoke fear in the colonies, and his main objective was to stop the potential union among the colonies. On May 10,Hamilton won credit for saving his college president Myles Cooperalexander hamilton essay, a Loyalist, from an angry mob by speaking to the crowd long enough for Cooper to escape. Hamilton was forced to discontinue his studies before graduating when the college closed its doors during the British occupation of the city. Inafter the first engagement of American troops with the British at Lexington and ConcordHamilton and other King's College students joined a New York volunteer militia company called the Corsicans[50] later renamed or reformed as the Hearts of Oak.
He drilled with the company, before alexander hamilton essay, in the graveyard of nearby St, alexander hamilton essay. Paul's Chapel. Hamilton studied military history and tactics on his own and was soon recommended for promotion. Through his connections with influential New York patriots such as Alexander McDougall and John JayHamilton raised the New York Provincial Company of Artillery of 60 men inand was elected captain. At the Battle of Trentonit was stationed at the high point of town, the meeting of the present Warren and Broad streets, to keep the Hessians pinned in the Trenton Barracks, alexander hamilton essay.
Hamilton participated in the Battle of Princeton on January 3, After an initial setback, Alexander hamilton essay rallied the American troops and led them in a successful charge against the British forces, alexander hamilton essay. After making a brief stand, the British fell back, some leaving Princeton, and others taking up refuge in Nassau Hall, alexander hamilton essay.
Hamilton brought three cannons up and had them fire upon the building. Then some Americans rushed the front door, and broke it down, alexander hamilton essay. The British subsequently put a white flag outside one of the windows; [55] British soldiers walked out of the building and laid down their arms, alexander hamilton essay, thus ending the battle in an American victory.
One paper suggests that Hamilton's favorite song was " How Stands the Glass Around ", an anthem sung by military troops about fighting and dying in alexander hamilton essay. Hamilton was invited to become an aide alexander hamilton essay William Alexander, Lord Stirlingand another general, perhaps Nathanael Greene or Alexander McDougall.
Hamilton eventually received an invitation he felt he could not refuse: to serve as Washington's aidewith the rank of lieutenant colonel. Hamilton served four years as Washington's chief staff alexander hamilton essay. He handled letters to Congress, state governors, and the most powerful generals of the Continental Army ; he drafted many of Washington's orders and letters at the latter's direction; he eventually issued orders from Alexander hamilton essay over Hamilton's own signature.
During the war, Hamilton became the close friend of several fellow officers. His letters to the Marquis de Lafayette [64] and to John Laurensemploying the sentimental literary conventions of the late eighteenth century and alluding to Greek history and alexander hamilton essay, [65] have been read by Jonathan Ned Katz as revelatory of a homosocial or even homosexual relationship. Massey amongst others, by contrast, alexander hamilton essay, dismisses all such speculation as unsubstantiated, describing their friendship as purely platonic camaraderie instead and placing their correspondence in the context of the flowery diction of the time.
While on Washington's staff, Hamilton long sought command and a return to active combat. As the war drew nearer to an end, he knew that opportunities for military glory were diminishing. On February 15,Hamilton was reprimanded by Washington after a minor misunderstanding. Although Washington quickly tried to mend their relationship, Hamilton insisted on leaving his staff.
He repeatedly asked Washington and others for a field command.
Alexander Hamilton - His Ideas in a Nutshell
, time: 6:04Alexander Hamilton's Complicated Relationship to Slavery - HISTORY
Apr 12, · Search. Menu Jul 25, · Alexander Hamilton, painted by John Trumbull, c. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons In the summer of , Alexander Hamilton received a visitor. Maria Reynolds, a Jan 11, · Alexander Hamilton is an improbable success story. Essay writing wasn’t Hamilton’s only literary passion. A number of poems have also been attributed to Hamilton
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